Four kinds of people in this world are unable to make their life a success who are these four types in the 15th verse of the seventh chapter of the bhagavad-gita lord Krishna are says those who are unaware of the higher purpose of life all they did was to amass wealth make a house acquire property enjoy.
Their senses have children and then depart one day they are
like the goats being taken to the slaughterhouse the goat ahead is having its
head schopped off the goat a little behind in the line is grazing green grass
thinking how tasteful it is without realizing its death is just a little bit
away in the same way those people who have not understood this human life was meant
for a sublime noble purpose they are classified in the first category mood
The second are they come across spiritual wisdom but they
look on it as a subject of intellectual entertainment it's okay for some good
discussions but there's nothing further to it and mere argumentation has got no
value in experiencing the joy of the soul during the time of Ram Krishna Paramahant's
in the 19th century in Bengal was a big logician called Girish Ghosh.
It was said of him that nobody could stand in front of his
arguments in all of Asia he was also the then head of the brahma Samaj which
had been founded previously by raj but to listen to Girish Ghosh would come a
handful of people and to listen to Ram Krishna Paramahant's big crowds would
flock so Girish Ghosh started developing the green envy what is so special
about him he sent a note to Ram Krishna Paramahant's.
I wish to come and debate with you Ram Krishna Paramahant's disciples
they said Guru Dev this person is extremely dangerous do not consent he said
never mind call him over so now he was waiting for the arrival of Girish Gosh
with great eagerness has he come again he would poke his head out of the door
has girish goes come by now finally the moment he arrived Ram Krishna Paramahant's
welcomed him with open arms and embraced
him ow Girish I have heard so much about
you I am so eager to hear your arguments go ahead and argue now girish gosh
forgot one point that arguments happen between two people.
You can't clap with one hand so Ram Krishna Paramahant's said
go ahead and argue said there is no god Ram Krishna Paramahant's said really
you are so tremendous I am astounded by your valuable words and he embraced him
again now Girish who started becoming a little bit confused what's going on he
said people say god is he who has created this world but if there is a creator
to this world my question is who has created god Ram Krishna Paramahant's said
this time you have outdone yourself come let's embrace again every time he
would make a spectacular statement Ram Krishna Paramahant's would give him an
alingan slowly the intensity of his argument started decreasing and then he
blurted out what kind of a person are you every time i present some logic
Than refute it you just give me an embrace Ram Krishna said
I am debating with you are not understanding my arguments for me you are the
proof of god you've got such a phenomenal intellect who could have created this
not a big bang a intelligent all-powerful creator could only have created such
an amazingly intellectual person like yourself so for me you are the living proof
of god I Paramahant's said see the miracle of creation in every atom as the
proof of the existence of the creator that Girish Ghosh surrendered to him and
became one of his staunch disciples so naranji says in the bhakti darshan
vadhana look there is no point just arguing and arguing a bottle has got honey
in it now either you keep analyzing and write a phd or else you open it taste
it and you will say the honey is so beautiful.
This spiritual path will give you the proof by realization
the bliss that you experience in your soul will let you know that this is a
fact so the second kind of people who are unable to succeed in their life are
those who only look on spiritual knowledge as a subject of intellectual
entertainment and then there are the third kind of people they are they hate
vedic wisdom they hate spiritual knowledge wherever there's a kirtan started
hey stop you're disturbing us we shall call.
The police they dislike the subject of god naturally they
are not going to go in the auspicious direction and the fourth kind naradam who
are these they know what is the purpose of life they know we need to purify our
mind they know we need to do good karmas and knowing it they still don't do it
why laziness curling I'll do it later this laziness is a big disease in this
human form the biggest disease is Allah laziness Ramesh did you eat food no Swami
Ji what's the matter you didn't have the samaghri the material to make no I had
it you don't know how to cook I know how to cook then what's the problem I
thought who will cook a meal let's go to sleep we'll see tomorrow.
He has it all laid out and yet is not taking the necessary
action because of laziness similarly those who have received sat sang who have
met the saints who have understood they are the soul not the body they are part
of god and even having understood they are not trying to attach their mind in
the divine careless lazy lord Krishna says they are in the fourth category so
if we have not reached the goal of god realization.
We also are in one among these four categories which
category are we in murk we do not know impossible if we are taking note of
these varieties of videos we do have the knowledge that life includes a higher
purpose argumentation these are some one out of 100 once in a very while like
somebody came to me Swami Ji I've got understood everything but I've got one
question that nobody has been able to answer till today he said what reasonably
pride is that this I've got one question that no-one has answered it's said
even a fool can ask a matter that a intellect cannot answer so you may be
hoping Swami Ji also doesn't answer your question otherwise your pride will get
What is this question so important he said that Shriven Kumar
what was the name of his parents I said what a vital question but tell me if I
offer you the name of his parents because it is not mentioned there within the
Ramayana if I offer you the name of his parents will you ask the name of his
grandparents but what self-interest are going to be served by this does one
have a share in his parents property that you simply have to sue them in court
ask some question that's relevant to your welfare this is often such as you
know when the Ramayana was drawing close TV I'm talking about the 1980 first
time people were seeing it on the screen so after all Ramadan Sager tried his
best but there have been deficiencies so some people instead of drinking the nectar
would continue finding fault one person came to me he said Swami Ji this
sugreef bali all of them had tails why did tara not have a tail i said what a
very important question now you go and ask Ramadan Sager why tara didn't have a
tail maybe he was in brief supply and ran out of tails that's why so these
quite Maya partita gana are few the third asura bhava mashrat hating god if you
probably did you'd not hear a Swami Ji for wisdom you do not fall therein
category there's this.
One category during which most people come what's that the
fourth one we all know what's to be done and yet we do not execute it thanks to
laziness carelessness so what's required then is to inspire ourselves to exert
ourselves and move ahead within the desired direction because the cut openish
had said with Swami Vivekananda translated awake arise and stop not till the
goal is reached thanks for reading.
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