Once upon a time there was a really wise doctor and he could make medications medicine that would cure any illness imaginable this doctor had many children and sooner or later he traveled to a foreign land.
While he was away his children mistakenly drank poison they
became very sick some were in pain some lost their minds some were near death
others were only a touch bit sick when the doctor returned from his long trip
he saw that his children were very sick all the kids although ill with poison
were happy to determine their father return.
Welcome home father they said we are so happy to determine
that you simply have returned safely while you were away, we were very foolish
we all mistakenly drank some poison please save us from this suffering the
doctor visited work grinding sifting and mixing various herbs he made a robust
medicine that had a stunning color excellent fragrance and wonderful taste this
medicine was perfect bringing the medication to his children he encouraged them
to drink it, my children here may be a medicine of fantastic color fragrance
and taste drink this and your illness are gone and you will be well those children
who were only slightly.
Ill immediately took the drugs and were quickly cured the
kids who had lost their minds refused the drugs they were confused by the
poison in their bodies they refused to believe that their father's medicine
would help them my poor children the daddy said because you have got consumed
poison your thinking has become twisted when you saw me return home you begged
me to cure you but once I offered you this medicine you refused it.
If you will not take this good medicine how are you able to
be cured although the children's minds were confused their father loved them,
he had to consider how to urge them to take the drugs and then finally the
doctor said my beloved children hear me well I'm old and weak and will die at
any time I will be able to leave this medicine here for you whether or not I
should die your sickness can still be cured with this good medicine please
don't doubt that I have to leave now on another trip so please remember what I've
got told you the doctor then traveled to a different land he sent a messenger
home to inform his children of his death.
The children were stunned they'd never expected him to
essentially die they said our father is dead now we've nobody to depend upon
then the kids remembered the drugs that their father had left for them and his
words before leaving in tears they each took a number of the drugs and were
immediately cured of their illness then to their amazement their father
returned home for the primary time they realized how great his love and mercy
was for them you see in life in your life you have got been gifted a beautiful
present by however you'll call it god the universe spirituality now from our
birth we all get this beautiful medicine it's inside us it tells us what's
What is wrong it gives us strength it lets us imagine it
lets us dream it lets us fulfill our wishes it helps us to realize whatever we
wish but as we become older we forget this great present we forget what it
means to dream and to believe and thus we descend into nothingness so remember
the good medicine that the universe gave you it's always there with you simply
need to be prepared to drink it
Thanks for reading motivation stories.
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