A belief is a feeling of absolute positiveness, if you want to achieve anything in life you need to get certain you will achieve it you must believe in yourself.
Because you will never take action towards something you don't believe is possible you can have all the education in the world it does it murder.
If you don't believe you can do it you do you think you're gonna become the greatest he didn't believe in himself, not a chance he wouldn't quit when things got hard he would have quit when he was cut from his high school basketball team you think Serina would be the greatest female tennis player in history would.
I believe not a chance these great athletes, great administrators, great human beings are great because they believe in themselves they believe when no one else do they believe when.
They are down they believe when they are at rock bottom this is no dream we'll succeed maybe not immediately but absolutely definitely this dream.
I will police controlled your souls because you will never take action towards something you don't believe it's possible to succeed you in order to believe you're good enough.
You are good enough if you're not there yet to get to work until you get to the place where you know you will make work on your weaknesses until they become your strengths work on your flaws.
Until they become your firework on your problems until, Genet if there is no evidence believe if other sadism everything is going wrong they change your belief that you can't to the knowledge that you can change the belief that there are limitations to the noise there are none change the belief that it isn't awake and push yourself to find your own path.
Your own answers your own way you can't just go off blocking the greatest achievements in the world define blood they are born from the belief the greatest achievements from someone who saw what was possible he did dare attempt better the greatest achievements came from those who see what is possible but still bullying that can achieve something impossible you.
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