31 May 2021

Stop Wasting Time

You know what I listen I listen to the clock ticking and time waits for no man life goes by and it goes by quickly don't waste those years don't waste them live them.

I'd such as you to be afraid of sitting on the side-lines and doing nothing awakening in six days or six weeks or six years or 60 years and being no closer to your goal you've made no progress that is the nightmare that is what you truly should be terrified of being stagnant so rise and go that idea isn't visiting execute itself that book isn't visiting write itself those weights get into the gym they're doing not seem to be visiting move themselves you have got must try and thereto and you've got must be compelled to undertake to know now don't wait anymore don't think anymore don't try to any extent further don't contemplate anymore don't make to any extent further excuses or justifications don't rationalize anything no take the danger take the gamble take the first step take action now no complacency no backing off no slack whatsoever no more dreaming dreaming is over I'd like specifics what are you doing on Monday what are you doing on Tuesday what are you doing on Wednesday you want better to be very specific.

It's time to position your pieces together of your puzzle you'd value more highly to be during an awfully very big damn hurry time is running out on you there's 86 400 seconds during daily though separator between me and you et al.

That win and loses what we do with those seconds and you're too slow you're too casual you're thinking that that that an excessive amount of you want to urge during a rush because there's an end of your life and it's coming before you're thinking that it goes by in an exceedingly flicker and at some point it's visiting be over which we wish to form a conscious deliberate determined effort to start out  living life with the way of urgency and using what we've using ourselves up sharing what we brought into the universe to share because if we don't nobody else will stop wasting valuable time if we start to live our lives is that if daily where our last our lives will tackle a whole new meaning once you die when life is over for you I don't want you to possess one idea left in you.

I don't want one dream left in you once you die I'd like you to travel for broke every CD that you simply just simply were imagined to do every book you were presupposed to write I might such as you to induce everything out your system.

We get round at this gig right here life so don't wait go no more looking ahead to the proper moment and no more indecision and no more lies take the action get out of bed get your feet on the underside success give day by day everything you've every ounce of energy every bead of sweat every drop of blood until your last breath and don't let another day advance you.

Habits Of All Successful People

Success means various things to different people for a few success can be financial achievements becoming a millionaire for instance for a few it's might mean accolades for sportsmen.

It's going to mean trophies championships or medals for a few being successful might simply mean achieving a state of wellness health or happiness whatever it means to you're taking note of those 10 habits of all successful people they apply to any area and any meaning of success preferred they set goals you almost certainly never met a successful one that doesn't set goals because the possibilities of you finding what you wish without a transparent target to maneuver  forward are right around zero.

If you do not know where you are going you'll find yourself someplace you didn't commit to be setting goals should be the amount one priority for anyone seeking success define exactly what it's you would like your end goal break down exactly what's required to induce there many goals ensure your wire reason for doing what you want to do is powerful so once you hit those roadblocks when things fail as they always does one have this strength and purpose to stay going number two they take responsibility for his or her life another key attribute of all successful people as they take complete responsibility for the success and also the failures in their life unlike the bulk they never play the victim rule.

If something doesn't determine they do not blame others they learned the lesson another way to not do something and go on quickly your energy is usually best spent within the present end planning for the long run your thought process must always be how am I able to make this work and what am I able to learn from this never living within the past or making excuses on why you are not where you must be from the burden everyone suffer setbacks everyone has the chance to either blame others in circumstances or to target moving on and creating a more robust future no matter what is going on you opt what you are doing now number three they need great self-discipline discipline as a robust trait of all successful people and it's one that may be developed with consistent use anyone that works from home or unsupervised knows the importance of self-discipline once you or alone will you select to travel through social media watch cat videos on you tube or do something which will be beneficial for your future it's much easier to own discipline if you have got clear goals and a meaningful purpose something that's far more important than meaningless distractions number  four  they're obsessive about self-development you cannot really claim to achieve success.

If you've got given up acting on yourself this does not mean you're never satisfied just that you simply understand it is attribute too want to grow and learn new things be receptive learn new things and develop your mind through mentors audiobooks in reading you'll earn financially and spiritually number five they read plenty reading as a typical pastime of the many highly successful people the key it nowadays can't sit alone for 2 minutes without becoming worm studying their phone to travel on social media probably to post about how bored they're successful people however are nearly always happy to be alone too be alone in quiet to own the chance to read or hear something which will benefit their mind and their future.

If you are not a reader try audiobooks you'll be able to play them in your car within the gym work while you shower and use time that may normally be wasted too gain new skills new strengths number six they manage their time well time management is important to success unsuccessful people usually get stressed and overwhelmed when there are too many tasks on their to-do list successful people are rarely phased they prioritize the massive payoff and most rewarding tasks first and leave the insignificant ones to last knowing it matters most to try.

The most valuable tasks first successful people plan prior to days weeks months ahead knowing clearly what has to be done to finish their jobs and reach their goals number seven they take risks if you do not buy a ticket you cannot win the wrath if you do not take big rests you'll be able to achieve big rewards successful people know that there'll be times they're going to must take risks so as to induce where they have to travel off and the majority won't take those self-same risks for fear of failure however the greater failure to successful people would be that of regret risk going for the life you wish or guarantee living with one you do not want number eight they keep going once they suffer failure and setbacks we all suffer setbacks every single person who attempts to measure their dream.

Life will suffer through failure might even lose everything most quickly the successful never quit they keep going knowing there greatest character is made in adversity knowing their success authority is being written in every move and it'll be especially good now they need a comeback story number nine they find some way to attend successful people find the way period whatever life throws their way they accommodate it dodge it smash through it whatever is required they find the way to win it is the whatever it takes mentality it is the confidence in knowing whatever happens i will be able to give my ball and leave nothing on the table I will be able to find the simplest way to win number 10 they are doing what they love.

If you are not doing what you like you cannot really clean yourself a hit spending the bulk of your working hours also called the bulk of your life doing belongings you hate for money isn't successful living its torture to the soul if you would like to suffer doing something you do not prefer to get to a life you're keen on try this but do not lose sight of exactly that your ultimate purpose finds your life purpose think about all the items you're keen on to try and do quite anything within the world then brainstorm how you'll turn those passions into profit doing what you're keen on a day whether or not you were taking a giant cut it'll be worthwhile does one love each day but you'll never work every day in you.

Life Without A Story

One day boy goes to his father and says father what is the value of my life, the father gives him the stone and says boy if you want to know the value of your life, take the stone and go to the local market and if anyone asks the price don't say a word and raise up two fingers so the boy does as his father says and goes to the local market, he wanders around and suddenly an old woman approached him and says how much is this stone, the boy doesn't say a word just raise two fingers and the woman says two rupees I'll take, the boy in surprise and runs back to his father and say his father, there was an old woman at the local market.

She wanted to give me two rupees for the stone, The father says boy the next place, I want you to go is to the Supermarket and if anyone asks the price don't say a word and raise up two fingers so the boy takes the stone goes to the Supermarket after about twenty minutes there was a middle-aged man in a suit who approaches the boy, he says sir how much is this stone the boy doesn't say a word and raises of two fingers and the man says ₹200 I'll take it the boy surprised and runs home to his father father father a man in the Supermarket wanted to buy the stone for ₹200 okay boy the last place I wanted to take the stone is a precious stone store walk-in side with a stone and if anyone asks the price don't say a word just raise up two fingers so the boy runs off into the precious stone store after finding it he walks inside and there is an old man at the counter and as the man seized the stone he jumps up and screams oh my god you have the stone I've been looking for my whole life what do you want for it how much is it the boy doesn't say a word and raises up two fingers the old man says ₹200,000 I'll take it the boy can't believe it he jumps up and runs to his father it's his father the old man at the precious stone store wanted to give me ₹200,000 for the stone you see boy he understand now the value of your life is all about where you place yourself you can decide if you want to be a ₹2 stone or a two hundred thousand rupees stone there are some people who are loving and for whom your everything and some people will just use you as a commodity and for them, you will be worth nothing so it is upon you my boy to decide the value of your life.

Put A Smile On Your Face

Once upon a time there was an individual coming to a brand new village relocating and he was wondering if he would love it there so he visited a master and asked do you think.

I will prefer it during this village are the people nice the master asked back how were the people within the town where you came from they were nasty and greedy they were angry and lived for cheating and stealing said the newcomer those are precisely the sort of people we've during this village said the master.

A day later another newcomer to the village visited the master and asked the identical question to which the master asked how were the people within the town where you come from they were sweet and lived harmonious they cared for each other and for the land they respected one another and that they were seekers of spirit he replied well those are precisely the kind of people.

We have during this village said the master you see in life in your life whatever you see within the world the planet will see in you see hope see good see love and also the world will see the identical in you but if you simply see the nasty and greedy a part of folks that is what they're going to see in you so be good to the globe and therefore the world are good to you give like to the world and therefore the world will give like to you.

Thanks for reading motivation story.

A life changing story

Once upon a time there was an extremely wise doctor and he could make medications medicine. That will cure any illness imaginable this doctor had many children and sooner or later he travelled to a foreign land while he was away his children mistakenly drank poison they became very sick some were in pain some lost their minds some were near death others were only slightly bit sick when the doctor returned from his long trip he saw that his children were very sick all the children while ill with poison were happy to work out their father return welcome home father they said. 

We are so happy to work out that you just simply just have returned safely while you were away we were very foolish we all mistakenly drank some poison please save us from this suffering the doctor visited work grinding sifting and mixing various herbs he made a sturdy medicine that had an honest looking color excellent fragrance and wonderful taste, this medicine was perfect bringing the drugs to his children. He encouraged them to drink it my children here could even be a medicine of fantastic color fragrance and taste drink this and your illness are visiting be gone and you may be those children who were only slightly ill immediately took the drugs and were quickly cured the kids who had lost their minds refused the drugs they were confused by the poison in their bodies they refused to believe that their father's medicine would help them my poor children the daddy said because you've got consumed poison your thinking has become twisted once you saw me return home you begged me to cure you but once. 

I offered you this medicine you refused it, if you may not take this good medicine how are you able to be cured although the children's minds were confused their father loved them, he had to contemplate the due to urge them to need the drugs so finally the doctor said my beloved children hear me well I'm old and weak and should die at any time ready to I'll be ready to leave this medicine here for you whether or not I should die your sickness can still be cured with this good medicine please don't doubt that. I've got to depart now on another trip so please remember what I've got told you the doctor then travelled to a definite land he sent a messenger home to inform his children of his death the kids were stunned they'd never expected him to actually die they said our father is dead now we've nobody to rely upon then the children remembered the drugs that their father had left for them and his words before leaving in tears they each took kind of the drugs and were immediately cured of their illness then to their amazement their father returned home for the primary time they realized how great his love and mercy was for them you see in life in your life you've got been gifted a shocking present by however you will call it god the universe spirituality now from our birth. 

We all get this beautiful medicine it's inside us it tells us what's right what is wrong it gives us strength it lets us imagine it lets us dream it lets us fulfil our wishes it helps us to appreciate whatever we'd like but as we develop we forget this great present we forget what it means to dream and to believe and thus we descend into nothingness so remember the good medicine that the universe gave you it's often there with you simply should be prepared to drink it this may be there to undertake. 

Thanks for reading motivation story.

This Race Called Life

Once upon a time, there was a young athletic boy hungry for achievement for home winning was everything, and success was measured just by winning someday the boy was preparing himself for a running competition in his small village himself and two other young boys to compete an oversized crowd had gathered to witness.

The sporting spectacle and a wise old man upon hearing of the insufficient boy had travelled far involved witness also the race commenced looking type of level heat at the destination but surely.

The boy dug deep and called on his determination strength, and power he took the winning line and was first the group was ecstatic and cheered and waved at the boy the intellectual remained still and calm expressing no sentiment.

The insufficient boy however felt proud and important a second race was called and two new young fit challengers came forward to run with barely boy the race was started and sure the insufficient boy came through and finished first everywhere again the group was ecstatic again and cheered and waved at the boy the mentor remained still and calm again expressing no sentiment the limited boy, however, felt proud and important another race pleaded the limited boy the wise old man developed and presented.

The small boy with two new challengers an elderly frail lady and a blind man what's this quiz the limited boy this may be no race he exclaimed race said the intellect the race will start and also the boy was the only real finisher the other two challengers left standing at the road the insufficient boy was ecstatic he raised his arms in delight the gang, however, were silent showing no sentiment toward.

The little boy what's happening why not the people participate me the success he asked the wise old man race again replied.

The intellect now finished together all three of you finished together continued the mentor the tiny boy thought slightly stood within the center of the visually somebody and also the frail wife so took the two challengers by the hand the race began and also the little boy walked slowly ever slowly to the destination and crossed it the gang were ecstatic and cheered and waved at the boy the mentor smiled gently nodding his head the little boy felt a proud and important old man.

I understand not who is that the gang cheering that one of us three asked the tiny boy the wise old man looked into the small boy's eyes placing his hands on the boy's shoulders and replied softly little boy for this race you've got got won rather quite in any race you have ever run before and for this race the group cheer, not for any winner you see in life in your life what are you running for are you hungry for fulfillment is winning.

The sole measurement for you in your life who are you running against and if you always win against everybody and shortly the people will stop cheering for you at the highest of your life if you remember the question is who was running next to you during this race if they were weaker and old did you help them to induce across the road did you all finish together because that is the simplest race you'll ever run so run this race called life but don't forget it isn't important.

If you woman it is vital how you run this race.

Thanks for reading motivation story.

27 May 2021

Time When Buddha Could Not Forgive

one day Buddha was in an assembly when a private walked in looking furious he thought Buddha was doing something wrong he was drawing a vast crowd and other people would just move to him and meditate he was a restless businessman and he had found that his children were spending their time with Buddha after they may have engaged themselves in business making more money and ensuring their livelihood.

He fell thereto spending four hours of their day seated next to someone whose eyes were always closed was a full waste of a while that the daddy of the family was very upset and he said I'm going to teach this man a lesson with anger in his heart he walked confidently up to Buddha as soon as he approached Ode all of his thoughts disappeared but the anger in him didn't dissipate.

He was shaking and he found himself speechless since he was unable to precise his emotions in words he's simply spat on Buddha’s face Buddha reciprocally simply smiled his disciples who were sitting with him were furious they wanted to react and were able to jump but the Buddha's presence didn't allow them to undertake and liquidate order that they only couldn't believe someone could behave in such a reprehensible manner with mystic but they couldn't say anything and this man couldn't stay longer either he noticed his action had not drawn any reaction from the people around him and also Gautama had simply smiled reciprocally some minutes later he thought if I stay longer I'll burst which is able to explode so he walked away.

Once he returned home he couldn't erase the image of the smiling Buddha from his mind for the primary time in his life he had met someone who had such a unprecedented reaction to such a disrespectful act he couldn't sleep all night and his whole body underwent a change he was shivering shaking, he felt like his world had collapsed therefore the following day he got up and went and fell at Buddha’s feet and said please forgive me I failed to know what I accustomed be doing to which Buddha replied I cannot excuse you everyone including. Buddha's disciples who are shocked at this reaction all his life Buddha had been so compassionate he had accepted everyone in his ashram regardless of their past and now he was telling this businessman that he couldn't excuse his behaviour Buddha looked around and located everyone to be in an exceedingly state of shock so he explained why should I excuse you when you have not done anything what wrong have you ever ever done that I should excuse your behaviour the business man replied yesterday I came to the current assembly and in my anger I spat on your face.

I'm the same person it's me Buddha said that person isn't here anymore, if I ever meet the person on whom you spent I'll tell them to justify you on behalf of me too the person who's right here in this moment you're wonderful you've done nothing wrong you see in life when will we truly forgive a personal true forgiveness is once you forgive a private which someone doesn't even know that he is being forgiven that person shouldn't feel guilty for his deed this could be the proper reasonably forgiveness if you forgive someone and keep reminding them about their mistake and make them feel guilty all the time.

Then in fact you've simply not forgiven them yet guilt itself should be enough punishment for a private this is often there to try and do to motivation stories thanks.

The Secret To Success

once upon a time there was a young man who worked at a factory his mentor an old technician taught him to speak less do more and never stop developing his skills in every aspect of the factory's operations ten years later the old man retired and therefore the young man became a technician himself he continued to try to his work with the identical dedication and diligence as he was taught someday he visited his mentor the old man saw that he seemed unhappy and asked what was troubling him the young man sighed and poured his heart out.

I have been following your instructions exactly of these years irrespective of what I work on I keep one's mouth shut and specialise in the task I do know I've got done good work the factory and that I have learned all the abilities which will be learned there what I do not understand is that the blokes who do not have my experience or capabilities have all been promoted while I'm still making as little as I did before after I was your apprentice the old man asked are you positive that you simply became indispensable to the factory the young man nodded yes the old man paced back and forth to think after ages he turned to the young man must request the day without work using whatever reason you wish.

It is time for you to administer yourself a prospect the young man was surprised by this recommendation but the more he considered it the more it made sense he thanked his teacher and left quickly to create a time-off request when he returned to figure after his time without work the manager called him into the office to inform him that things failed to go well at the factory while he was gone others encountered many problems that normally would be handled by him and that they had no idea a way to solve them realizing his importance the manager decided to push him to the position of senior technician to thank him and encourage him to stay up the great work the young man was grateful for his mentor's wisdom surely he thought this was the key to success from that time on whenever the young man felt like he deserved over what he was getting he would take every day off when he came back the subsequent day true would improve to his satisfaction this pattern continued for months someday the young man found that he was blocked from going into the factory much to his shock he discovered that his employment was terminated.

He couldn't believe it not knowing what else to try to, he went back to determine his mentor to do to work out how things had gone so wrong why did I lose my job he asked with wounded pride did I not do everything as you instructed actually you probably did not because you heard only half the lesson the old man shook his head you understood instantly that nobody pays any attention to a light-weight bulb that's always on.

It is only if it pops that folks suddenly notice and realize they have been taking it with no consideration you were so needing to apply this understanding that you just left before hearing the half last half it began to dawn on the young man that perhaps he made an enormous mistake what was the half the mentor spoke slowly to create his point the last half more important than the primary is that the realization that if a light-weight bulb bangs frequently then sooner or later it'll get replaced with one that's more reliable who wants a light-weight bulb that nobody can estimate to supply illumination, you see in life in your life does one have friends and relations that you just hold granted they're always there for you what happens if at some point they're now not there don't stay up for such daily to suddenly realize how important they're impart today for the great fortune of having them in your life also don't let yourself being taken with no consideration but at the identical time do your work and do not stop everything you are doing simply because it doesn't go the way you would like it to travel find the balance in life and life will reward you with providing you with the balance back this is often there to try and do motivation stories thanks for reading.

24 May 2021

Three Laughing Monks Story

Once upon a time in ancient china there lived three old monks there, names aren't remembered today just because they never revealed them to anybody in china.
They're simply referred to as the three laughing monks they always travel together and did nothing else but laugh they entered a village or a town stood within the center of its main square and started laughing slowly but surely the those that lived and worked there and therefore the passers-by couldn't resist and had to begin laughing further until a little laughing crowd had formed and eventually the laughing had spread to the entire village or town that was the instant when.
The three old monks moved on to the following village their laughter was their only prayer all of their teaching because they never spoke to anybody they merely created that situation everywhere china they were loved and revered the people had never known such spiritual teachers before or after they appeared to communicate that life should be taken only.
As a good opportunity to laugh as if that they had discovered some reasonably cosmic joke so that they travelled and laughed for several years spreading joy and happiness throughout china until sooner or later future while being at a specific village in the north province one among them died the people were shocked and came running from afar leaving the fields unattended for the day only to witness.
The opposite two monks reaction to the current drama they were expecting them to indicate sorrow or maybe cry and therefore the whole village came to the place where the three monks were two alive and one dead but the 2 remaining monks were laughing only harder they were laughing and laughing and will not seem to prevent in order that some of the nice those that were assisting to the current scene during this belief approached them and asked them why they weren't mourning in any respect for his or her deceased friend and for only.
once the monks actually responded because yesterday on our thanks to your village, he proposed the game who people would beat the opposite two and die first and now he won the old rogue he even had a testament prepared the tradition required to scrub the dead and change his clothes before putting him on the cumulus but the old monk had explicitly asked to go away the old clothes on him since he had never been filthy for one day I never allowed any of the filth of this world to achieve me through my laughter.
His testament stated that the old adult male body was placed on the pyre with the clothes he was wearing when he had arrived and because the fire was lit and commenced licking on his clothes to everyone's astonishment suddenly fireworks of 100 colors went exploding up and down and to any or all directions and at last.
The folks that had gathered there also joined the laughter of the 2 wise men you see in life in your life maybe the sole reason that we are here on this earth is so we will laugh and laugh and never stop.
 Experiencing joy and laughter so next time you face an issue look within the mirror and just laugh the matter away because your joy is what causes you to alive this is often there to try to motivation stories thanks for reading.

23 May 2021

Change your Life

The wisest and successful person said that "success comes with risk". You may not get anything until you'll not take risks.

Now I'm sure in your experiences in your life and applying to way of life and picking your major and deciding what you would like to try to with the life I'm sure people who told you to create sure you've  got something to fall back on ensuring you have something to fall back on honey but I never understood the concept of getting something to fall back on if I'm visiting fall i do not want to fall back on anything I would like to fall forward I figure a minimum of this fashion.

I can see what I'm visiting hit without consistency you'll never finish so do what you are feeling obsessed with, captivated with taking chances do not be afraid to fail there is a no like your test was nine dots and you had to draw five lines with a pencil within these nine dots without lifting the pencil the sole thanks to bed was to travel outside the box do not be afraid to think outside the box do not be afraid to fail.

Everyone dream big but without a goal, there are not any dreams, Wise and successful people set a goal in their life and he's making history in his life, but you do not hear about the strikeouts people remember artificer conducted 1,000 failed experiments did you recognize that I didn't know that because the 1,000 and first was the sunshine bulb fall forward every failed experiment is one step closer to success you have to require risks and I am sure you almost certainly heard that before but i need to speak to you about why that's important you'll fail at some point in your life accept it you'll lose you'll embarrass.

Yourself you may suck at something there is no doubt about it and that I know that's probably not a standard message for a graduation ceremony today I'm telling you to embrace it because it's inevitable within the acting business you fail all the time too soon in my career I auditioned for a component during a Broadway musical perfect role on behalf of me.

Thought apart from the very fact that I cannot sing I didn't get the task but here's the thing I didn't quit I didn't fall back I walked out of there to organize for the following audition and also the next audition and also the next audition I prayed I prayed and that I prayed but I still fail and fail and fail but it didn't matter because you recognize what there's an old saying you hang.

Around the barbershop long enough sooner or later you are going to urge a haircut so you'll catch a possibility and that I did catch an opening last year I did a play called fences on Broadway but here's the kicker, he was at the Court Theatre it had been at the identical theatre that I failed initially audition 30 years prior the purpose is every graduate here today has the training and therefore the talent to.

Succeed but does one have the heart to fail if you do not fail you are not even trying I'll say it again if you do not fail you are not even trying to urge something.

22 May 2021

The Way of Salvation Has Not Changed

God said there's coming on a daily basis when I'm visiting shake the planet but some things won't be shaken some things remain in other words there's coming a time when the world are going to be  pressed and there will be no solution those times are available your life in your home tension friction financial trouble you're pressed and there doesn't seem to be some way out there's a solution there's some way Jesus said, I’m the way but within the midst of all this changing there are some things that never change think about it an instant what never changes the character of God doesn't change God hasn't changed, he hasn't changed to depth himself to our generation God is unchanging.

 I'm the Lord God I changed not God is unchanging in His Holiness we're all guilty of coming in need of God's holy requirements and we're all sinners and we're tired need of the grace and mercy of God and that is why the Lord Jesus came and died on the cross he died for your sins he died for mine and God took your sins and laid them on Christ God changes not in his holiness and let me tell you because he's our holy God, he could be also unchanging in his judgment there's a Judgement Day coming our God is a consuming fire the Bible is filled with stories of judgment our Lord talk more about Hell than he did heaven there's every day of judgment coming God may be a holy God and you and that I are visiting stand there after I stand there.

I'm not visiting invite justice I'm visiting provoke mercy, I need mercy I would like the grace of God I would like the forgiveness of God and that I want to inform you an exquisite thing God loves you and he offers you tonight forgiveness and therefore the provide you with mercy God can forgive every sin you have ever committee God can wipe the slate clean thanks to Christ not because you deserve it for by grace are you saved through faith which not of yourselves it's the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast you cannot work your thanks to heaven you cannot buy your thanks to heaven God is unchanging he's unchanging in his love God loves you that is the most wonderful thing to travel to bed with at the hours of darkness know that God loves me God forgives me God is curious about me but I have to receive him secondly the Word of God doesn't change the grass withereth and also the flower fadeth but the word of our God shall stand forever I settled that a protracted time ago there are lots of things during this Bible i do not understand they're questions you'll request from me that I cannot answer.

I don't know all the answers during this book how can a finite mind like mine comprehend the infinite I cannot so someday I opened the Bible I said O Lord I accept this is often your word by faith which settled it from that when, I quote the scriptures I do know that, I'm quoting the Word of God it is a living word and lastly the way of salvation has not changed of these centuries the thanks to the dominion of God is strictly the identical God said I’m the way the reality and the life no man cometh to the daddy but by me he will never change but you want to you.

21 May 2021

Life Is Short

Time is brief what's your life it's even a vapor that appears for a bit time so vanishes away, if I told to mention if someone had told me after I was 20 years old.

That life was very short and would pass rather like that i would not have believed it and if I tell you that you simply do not believe it either I cannot get young people to grasp how brief life is how quickly.

It passes it looks as if yesterday i used to be at school each one folks here has been given the identical amount of your time in an exceedingly day fourteen hundred and forty minutes every day 168 hours per week seventy years God allows us and it's interesting to me with all of our life science we've never passed that magic mark, the common American male today lives seventy years and 4 months the common female 73 years and 6 months more people live to be 70 but the typical age of an American continues to be 70 as taught within the scriptures what a thing it's after you think that you just have.

Just one short life to spend I'd write down my priorities in life and I'd get committed to certain priorities, now could be the accepted time the items we should do the classes we must take the books we should read have it away now the family that require you to spend longer now write that letter home, now that you have been intending to write money you must give no time for study have a go at it now people you should witness to try and do it now whenever the clock ticks it seems to mention now today if you may hear his voice there might not be a tomorrow fee and on behalf of me because there is a warning - time is running out for all of our time is just too.

Short for indecision and vacillation don't halt between two opinions fools say the time is law every morning we've got 86,400 seconds to spend and to take a position and every day the bank named time opens a brand new account for you and on behalf of me it allows no balances in no overdrafts if you fail to use the day's disc posits the losses.

Yours the Bible says redeemed the time because the times are evil and also the days within which we reside up very evil if there was ever a time for the gospel that may transform the human heart it's now Jesus said as long because it is that the day we must do the work of him that sent us the night is coming when no man can work the night goes to come back in your life yet there was a serenity about the work of the Lord Jesus it is the quality of life, not the lengths Jesus only had 33 years and it ended on the cross to the planet.

He was a failure yet that moment yet at the tip of his life he said I finished the work that thou gave us me to try to to it doesn't matter whether you reside another year or two years of 5 years will you no work be finished is there a high quality thereto is there dedication to that suppose all of our members tie their time to witness.

Christ as we tithe our income for the church fill your heart with the Word of God I found that people who know the scriptures are those that have the facility today but we'd like men and ladies who walk with God and if you are doing that you just can also finish the work that God gave you to try to to and help us to appreciate the brevity and also the urgency of your time and will we invest what little time we've got within the kingdom of God.

6 May 2021

Believe In Yourself

A belief is a feeling of absolute positiveness, if you want to achieve anything in life you need to get certain you will achieve it you must believe in yourself.

Because you will never take action towards something you don't believe is possible you can have all the education in the world it does it murder.

If you don't believe you can do it you do you think you're gonna become the greatest he didn't believe in himself, not a chance he wouldn't quit when things got hard he would have quit when he was cut from his high school basketball team you think Serina would be the greatest female tennis player in history would. 

I believe not a chance these great athletes, great administrators, great human beings are great because they believe in themselves they believe when no one else do they believe when.

They are down they believe when they are at rock bottom this is no dream we'll succeed maybe not immediately but absolutely definitely this dream.

I will police controlled your souls because you will never take action towards something you don't believe it's possible to succeed you in order to believe you're good enough.

You are good enough if you're not there yet to get to work until you get to the place where you know you will make work on your weaknesses until they become your strengths work on your flaws.

Until they become your firework on your problems until, Genet if there is no evidence believe if other sadism everything is going wrong they change your belief that you can't to the knowledge that you can change the belief that there are limitations to the noise there are none change the belief that it isn't awake and push yourself to find your own path.

Your own answers your own way you can't just go off blocking the greatest achievements in the world define blood they are born from the belief the greatest achievements from someone who saw what was possible he did dare attempt better the greatest achievements came from those who see what is possible but still bullying that can achieve something impossible you.

1 May 2021

Life is beautiful

Life is gorgeous it's filled with paths you simply should choose the proper one.
But you must ensure you do not choose that path in a very rush, because anything tired hurry isn't a decent decision so there are some things that should not be worn out a rush in the slightest degree.

Finding love

Love is that the most beautiful feeling but only you're with the proper one and to search out that right person you wish time you must never rush find love, because that love goes to make a decision your future life you've got to spend the remainder of your life thereupon person in one room this decision shouldn’t be taken in an exceedingly rush always take it slow and make the proper decision.

Making future decisions

Regardless of where you begin with time good choices cause an improved life and bad choices cause an occasional quality of life you create choices constantly consciously or unconsciously and that they have a good impact on your life your one decision can make your life heaven or can ruin your life so it is very necessary to require ample amount of your time before you create your future decisions.

Trusting someone

Don’t trust anyone blindly, the general public you meet are with you simply for his or her own sake and interest it takes years to create trust in someone you should not reveal your trust easily because if something went wrong it can easily cause you to lose your belief on love or relationships so it's better to require blast and not rush.

Judging someone's character

There is a saying first impression is that the last impression but I believe judging someone in barely a gathering isn't the proper thing attempt to tote try and do there are folks that seem to be very pleasant within the first meeting but end up to be something exactly opposite of it and within the same way sometimes people whom we do not like in our first meet become a vital a part of our lives so we should always never judge someone in barely a moment give them time try to know them and so make your opinion about them.