Motivation About Life — Read The Motivational Story .... a spirit of positive thinking and sheer determination.
30 Sept 2021
Read This Everyday And Change Your Life
28 Sept 2021
When Life Breaks You
I don't care how good you are not telling how talented you're I don't care what quantity you're employed on yourself there are some times when things aren't visiting go right there are times when anything which is in an exceedingly position to happen will happen life happens the unexpected.
The uncalled for the unintentional we've been damaged emotionally damaged spiritually it may be your business it's visiting be your heart that is broken today it's visiting be the number in your checking account that's screaming you are broke you'll break physically you will be able to break mentally you can break.
Your heart you'll break your spirit and all of these are gonna leave a mark but the mark that they leave is that the mark of victory or it's visiting be the mark of defeat it is staying with the breaking that produces the blessing that is not what you undergo that determines where you finally end up Music it's who you hear because I feel right now you are walking through a valley between two voices one is wisdom one is worry one is gratitude one is grumbling.
One is blame one is faith because every time you break it in every way that you break wow it is a chance for you to allow up and for you to fall apart but there's also opportunity to urge stronger and acquire smarter and acquire faster and get tougher and find more stable and get more resilient and acquire better what I'd such as you to undertake to to and do is I'd such as you to find a reason to stay going and if you can find a reason to stay going.
I do know you're strong enough to undertake to thereto because you're human and every human has what it takes to urge past whatever they're inquiring if they struggle to erupt it appear it tragedy and trials come to everybody only the strong survive the fight isn't over the fight is solely beginning you've the opportunity to suggests the world what you're really fabricated from Music I need you to appear at that sickness that's happening in your life immediately whatever it's I want you to mention I cannot beat it I can beat it I'll beat it I must I got a family to measure for I ain't through yet.
My life ain't over yet there's some things in life you're doing not need no degree for you're doing not need no money for it you don't need no support for it there's something such as you simply gonna get through once you tell yourself I'm gonna get through this regard to what happens to your life regardless of the adversity regardless of the opposition regardless of the trial and tribulation nothing can stop you.
The sole real real real real legitimacy that can stop you is you no situation no circumstance no piece of adversity can define your life never let the circumstance define and I'm not retreating I'm not running I don't care what they're saying on paper I don't care if you say.
We outnumbered we live by this which we die by this we don't retreat we don't run we gonna stand we gonna live we gonna die by what we indicate and everybody gonna know what we represent and what we're a part of I got staying power I got endurance be encouraged today that regardless of what you rehearse no matter how broken your marriage is no matter what number times you fail there is within you a spirit that's greater than whatever is going on around you.
If you'd be willing to fight your way through this battle fight your way through cancer fight your way through that academic struggle fight your way through divorce fight your way through it if you're willing to fight your way through that singing career fight your way through boxing fight your way through football I'm telling you at.
The foremost effective of the fight it's visiting come victory and as you crawl up and out of that dismal and wretched place as you rise above what you were and as you're taking the shape of who you're speculated to be you will see that within the very act of standing up within the very act of fighting on you will become and you'll remain unbroken you.
25 Sept 2021
When You Feel Broken
Life isn't easy in any respect there's going to be challenges you're going to get beat down that's the way life is you say you type of put a mask on your face, and you return and lay in your bed when no one's looking at you once you haven't got to impress anybody, and you're yourself and fear comes in maybe you do not know as expected what's going to be happening within the future, and it scares you simply that fear paralyzes you and that.
I just want to ask you today do you think you have got hope at some point everything's visiting go south on you everything's going to go south, and you're going to say this is often it t his is how I end now you'll be able to either accept that or you can get to figure t hat's all its you simply begin you do the mathematics you solve one problem, and you solve the following one, and it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's going to happen.
All that matters that you simply have to be compelled to arise you have to induce up whatever experience you're having right now it's not come to remain it has come to pass sometimes you have got to just back up and go within yourself and pray and meditate and recharge your batteries flee clear your head and then return and appearance at it from a different vantage don't operate while you're under the spell or the effect of what is occurring don't allow your emotions to manage you we are emotional, but you want to start to discipline your emotion.
If you do not discipline and contain your emotions they'll use you don't need to force yourself or motivate yourself to think negatively to be depressed to beat yourself up over the head to feel loaded with guilt you do not have to make any effort to try and do that your mind is on automatic it'll do that by itself but if you would like to start to maneuver into your own personal greatness you've got to be willing to travel against the tide you have to be willing to harness your will and say in spite of this I'm op of things here I'm not visiting.
Let this get me down I'm not visiting to let this destroy me I'm returning you ask the part what do you want man I would like to be diamond to tell me something I don't know everybody wants it but the reality of it's everybody do not get it and also the crazy thing is that if you would like it you'll be able to dig it's not like somebody stop you holding the gun to your head and tell you can't get onto it is a matter of will it's a matter of exertions it's a matter of sacrifice it is a matter of dedication it is a matter of commitment.
The difference isn't the ordering the potential it's a guy that's willing to urge knocked down finally tested on fortune stand back up to perseverance to see it through the never say die attitude we know the battle ahead we all know the journey ahead's going to get tough we know we're going to face obstacles we all know it's gonna b e some discomfort we all know they're going to attempt to break us.
We know they're coming for us, we all know that's going to happen already so let's make up in our minds before the battle that we're going to be victorious to don't cry to give up try to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a gift from it at the tip of pain and success you're not going to die because you are feeling a little pain you tell yourself I won't quit when that depression hits you embark of nowhere you t ell yourself.
I won't hand over there isn't any guarantee that because somebody is now down on their luck they will never come who can guarantee that you simply can't make it that you can't have your dream who can guarantee that you just can't do what you want to try and do no one can do this nobody can predict that you do not know what the possibilities are for your life because if you're willing to travel through all.
The battle you bought to travel through to get to where you wish to induce who's got the correct to prevent you it's your right to pay attention to your gut it ain't nobody's right to mention now after you earn right to be where you want to be and do what you would like to try to all we'd like to try and do is we glance at our d reams as we make preparations to hit the fly destiny favourite.
I do not care if you sick I do not care what you are going through if you are not dead he ain't through with you yet as long as you wake it up you continue to in the game as long as you're alive you'll be able to still make it happen as long as that breath in your nostrils boo you still.
24 Sept 2021
I Can Do IT
So many people out there fell not because they are doing not have the flexibleness it's because they are doing not have the centre to travel through adversity the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a awfully mean and nasty place which don't care how tough you're it'll beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently.
If you let it you'll undergo some failures when you're during this darkness you would like to require a seat there and await the sunshine to return back but you can't wait the sole answer is to revolution to face your fears to become your own light there's gonna be many times y'all on the brink of fail.
We are all a chunk current but therein moment I might such as you to remember the power of you you'll change the earth even when you're struggling even when you're discouraged and you feel like others have given up on you are doing not ever quit on yourself the indomitable will if you have got a belief you will be ready to do something.
The only real way you grow that like within the gym you grow your muscles by actually exercise him to grow the individual will to become something you want to get comfortable with fear and failure they need to be your best friends they're the only one that moves that needle of life every hero you guys had was called an idiot crazy a loser you need to break society established order establishment is normality it's alive but not living its death wanna stick guys belief of the individual overrides thousands of people with just in 10 safety comfort zones are dead zones we've got to still push yourself because your true potential will never be matched guys nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you will get hit and keep moving forward what quantity you'll be able to take and keep moving forward now if you recognize what you're worth I'm glad.
I tell what you're worth but you gotta be willing to need the heads the long term rewards folks that continue patiently and firm determination and thus the press off I do not have time to feel sorry myself I do not have time to complain we have got work to undertake to to what's your why what motivates you what pushes you what drives you and if that bidding is returnable.
If nobody has to call you if nobody possesses to prod you and no-one must reward you and no-one must give you anything if you're self-motivated and sound regulated you will be able to have it you will be able to be you'll bonk take ownership take extreme ownership don't make excuses don't blame the other person or the opposite thing get control of your ego take ownership of everything in your world so good and so the rear take ownership of your mistakes take ownership of your shortfalls take ownership of your problems so take ownership of the solutions which is able to get those problems solved take.
Ownership of your mission take ownership of your job of your team of your future ownership of your life to victory possible you will be able to live your dream it's a necessity that you just just have an idea of action that you simply're resilient that you just simply follow and you will work with the system that you just simply have the vision and never surrender that you just become creative and relentless and keep it up coming again and again and again which it's you that you simply gotta take personal responsibility to create it happen which it's hard easy isn't an option when life knocks you down jump make a copy the chat it's not over until I win.
23 Sept 2021
The Bamboo - Very Inspirational Story Ever
One day I made a decision to quit I quit my job my relationship my spirituality I wanted to quit my life I visited the woods to own one last talk with God.
I said are you able to give me one good reason to not quit his answer surprised me go searching he said does one see the fern and therefore the bamboo yes I replied after I planted the fern and therefore the bamboo seeds.
I took superb care of them I gave them light I gave them water the fern quickly grew from the world it's brilliant green covered the ground yet nothing came from the bamboo seed but I didn't quit on the bamboo within the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful and again nothing came from the bamboo seed but I failed to quit on the bamboo.
He said within the third year there was still nothing from the bamboo seed but I'd not quit within the fourth year again there was nothing from the bamboo seed I might not quit he said then within the fifth year a little sprout emerged from the world compared to the fern it absolutely was seemingly small and insignificant but just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive I'd not give any of my creations a challenge it couldn't handle he said to me did you recognize my child that every one this point you have got been struggling you have got actually been growing roots I'd not quit on the bamboo.
I will be able to never quit on you do not compare yourself to others he said the bamboo had a distinct purpose than the firm yet they both make the forest beautiful some time will come God said to me you'll rise high how high should I rise I asked how high will the bamboo rise he asked reciprocally as high because it am i able to questioned yes he said give me glory by rising as high as you can I left the forest and produce back this story.
I hope these words can facilitate your see that God will never surrender on you he will never quit on you never regret daily in your life good days offer you happiness bad days give you experiences both are essential to life a contented and meaningful life requires our continuous input and creativity it doesn't happen by accident.
It happens due to our choices and actions and every day we are given new opportunities to settle on and act and in doing so we create our own unique journey keep going happiness keeps you sweet trials keep you strong sorrows keep you human failures keep you humble success keeps you glowing but only God keeps you going.